(some policies have a key word entry with a cross reference to the official policy title)
Description | Section | Issue Date | Revision Date |
Academic Renewal Policy | 7.521 | 04/02/2009 | 11/04/2022 |
Adding and Withdrawing from Classes | 7.330 | 02/01/1994 | 08/27/2021 |
Advanced Placement Examination Program | 5.603 | 06/10/2002 | 06/08/2010 |
Assessment | 4.202 | 01/14/2022 | |
Auditing Classes | 7.207 | 06/10/2002 | 06/01/2009 |
Awarding of Emeritus Title | 9.209 | 05/22/1997 | 02/2021 |
Awarding of Degrees and Certificates | 5.703 | 04/04/2016 | 04/01/2024 |
Campus Governance | 3.303 | 04/02/2009 | 04/12/2024 |
Children of Our Students, Guidelines Regarding (see Guidelines Regarding Children of Our Students) | |||
Class Attendance and No Show Policies | 7.505 | 10/05/1995 | 03/01/2024 |
College Committee Structure | 3.301 | 02/01/1996 | 04/13/2023 |
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) | 5.606 | 12/13/2002 | 04/04/2017 |
Contract Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion, Retention and Disposition of Applications for (see Retention and Disposition of Applications for Contract Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion) | |||
Course Outline of Record | 5.251 | 12/03/2012 | |
Course Review Policy and Procedure | 5.250 | 02/21/2001 | 11/26/2024 |
Courses Fulfilling Two Different Area Requirements | 5.607 | 03/10/2003 | 04/01/2024 |
Credit by Institutional Exam Policy | 5.601 | 12/30/1997 | 06/08/2010 |
Credit for Education Received While in Military Service | 5.605 | 06/10/2002 | 06/08/2010 |
Credit for Previous Non-English Language Study | 5.604 | 06/10/2002 | 06/08/2010 |
Credit/No Credit Policy | 5.503 | 02/07/1997 | 02/15/2017 |
Cross-listed Courses | 5.305 | 03/10/2003 | 06/04/2010 |
Death of a HawCC Student | 7.901 | 10/05/1995 | 06/11/2010 |
Disappearer, Class Attendance and No Show Policies (see Class Attendance, Disappearer and No Show Policies) | |||
Distance Education | 5.200 | 11/23/2009 | 10/26/2024 |
Disruptive Student, Guidelines for Handling a (see Guidelines for Handling a Disruptive Student | |||
Emeritus Title, Awarding of (see Awarding of Emeritus Title) | |||
English Proficiency Requirement for F1 Visa International Students | 7.220 | 08/16/1999 | 04/04/2017 |
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) Policy | 9.900 | 09/01/1991 | 06/01/2009 |
Evaluation of Lecturers | 9.104 | 03/09/2015 | |
Faculty Five-year Review | 9.203 | 08/25/1999 | 02/25/2016 |
Fast-Track Modification to a Course | 5.253 | 05/09/2017 | |
Final Examinations | 5.504 | 06/10/2002 | 06/08/2010 |
Gifts In-Kind Donation Policy | 8.520 | 01/15/2021 | |
Grading Policy | 5.301 | 06/10/2002 | 02/15/2017 |
Graduation Requirements | 5.702 | 06/10/2002 | 05/09/2017 |
Guidelines for Handling a Disruptive Student | 7.102 | 11/04/1994 | 06/17/2010 |
Guidelines Regarding Children of Our Students | 7.103 | 04/02/2009 | |
"I" Grade Policy | 5.303 | 06/10/2002 | 06/04/2010 |
Independent/Directed Studies Policy | 5.602 | 08/10/1998 | 06/08/2010 |
Integrated Planning for Institutional Effectiveness | 4.201 | 11/28/2011 | 10/14/2022 |
Last Date of Attendance for Completely Online Courses | 5.505 | 12/03/2012 | |
"N" Grade Policy | 5.302 | 12/30/1997 | 06/04/2010 |
No Show, Class Attendance and Disappearer Policies (see Class Attendance, Disappearer and No Show Policies) | |||
Numbering Criteria for New and Modified Courses | 5.252 | 12/03/2012 | |
Peer Evaluation of Instructors and Lecturers | 9.205 | 08/25/1999 | 02/14/2012 |
Placement Testing | 5.501 | 07/01/1996 | 01/25/2019 |
Policies and Procedures Manual for HawCC | 1.001 | 04/20/1995 | 11/08/2024 |
Professional Development Fund Policy | 3.304 | 12/08/2023 | |
Program Advisory Councils | 3.302 | 08/30/1996 | 04/08/2022 |
Repeating Courses | 5.304 | 06/10/2002 | 05/15/2014 |
Retention and Disposition of Applications for Contract Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion | 8.560 | 03/12/2002 | 11/21/2017 |
Satisfactory Academic Progress | 7.520 | 10/05/1995 | 06/11/2010 |
Security Lock and Key Policy | 8.510 | 08/05/1999 | 06/16/2010 |
Student Academic Grievance Policy | 5.101 | 04/18/1991 | 06/04/2010 |
Student Academic Honors | 7.510 | 07/10/1991 | 06/01/2009 |
Student Conduct Code | 7.101 | 07/01/1991 | 06/11/2010 |
Student Evaluation of Instructors and Lecturers | 9.204 | 08/25/1999 | 02/14/2012 |
Time Limits on Credits Earned | 5.650 | 06/10/2002 | 06/08/2010 |
Transfer Credit Evaluation Policy | 7.208 | 06/10/2002 | 09/08/2023 |
Web Page Guidelines Policy | 2.510 | 08/25/1999 | 04/08/2022 |
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