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HAW 2.510 Web Page Guidelines Policy

Issued: August 25, 1999
Revised: April 8, 2022
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To ensure that the integrity of content contained within the Hawai'i Community College website is maintained and to detail the process of annual content review and provide governance guidelines for the college website.


  1. Content Management System (CMS): An electronic system that provides for the management of websites and web pages, such as Drupal or WordPress.
  2. Content Manager: The person(s) responsible for overseeing maintenance and development of an office, unit, or academic program.
  3. Web Developer: The person responsible for the overall development and management of the website, CMS software and security updates, as well as coordinating with responsible parties to ensure that information on the website is current.


  1. Web Page Updates: Content Managers or individuals responsible for web site content, may use the CMS to edit page content or submit a work request to the Web Developer via email at or by filling out a work request.
  2. Content Review Schedule: Content managers and responsible parties will be contacted annually to review and confirm that their content is up to date. Program coordinators and Division chairs will be contacted to review academic program pages as part of the college catalog creation cycle and will be implemented once the college catalog is confirmed. Content Managers and responsible parties that manage office, units, and departments will be contacted during the summer session.
  3. Accessibility: By University policy, web content should be in compliance with federal standards as outlined in EP2.210 ( More information on the University of Hawaiʻi commitment to accessibility and guidelines can be found at


     Rachel Solemsaas, Ed. D

     Apr 14, 2022     
