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Ha‘alele (Fact Book)

Hawai‘i Community College is proud to deliver unique, high-quality academic programs and services found nowhere else in our community. Founded in 1941, the college began with five trades programs and 183 students, and has steadily grown to meet community needs. We now serve more than 2,000 students in 26 degree programs from locations in Hilo, Honoka’a, Kona, and at high schools across Hawai'i Island.

If you would like to learn more about Ka'ao Kai, visit the Ka'ao Kai webpage.

Additional Data Resources

If you can't find the data you need from these resources, please submit a Data Request.

Have questions regarding the data presented in this dashboard? Can't find the data you need?
Submit a Data Request.

Additional Data

Hawaii Island Demographic Data

County of Hawaiʻi Data Portal
The County of Hawai‘i Data Portal was created by the Economic Research Organization at the University of Hawai‘i (UHERO) in collaboration with the Department of R&D. It provides graphs and data on Economic Indicators, Energy Indicators, Social Indicators and the Environment

Digital Equity Dashboard
The Microsoft Airband Initiative seeks to make broadband access a reality for unserved and underserved communities around the world. This tool is intended to empower policymakers to identify regions with digital equity gaps. Data can help policy makers direct funding and programmatic investments to the communities most impacted by the digital divide.

Hawaiʻi County Workforce DATA
Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. Includes unemployment insurance claims. Best job opportunities on island and for the state. Alternative measures of Labor Underutilization

Hawaiʻi Data Exchange Partnership
The Hawai‘i Data eXchange Partnership (DXP) is a partnership of five state agencies committed to cross-agency data sharing in order to improve education and workforce outcomes in the state. DXP is managed by the Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education. Information about educational data for Hawaiʻi Pre-school to post secondary.

Career and Pathway Tools

UHCC Student career tool
Student Tool aimed toward providing career exploration and workforce data and tying it to college majors.

P-20 pathway tool
Connects DOE Academies to post secondary education and training in Hawaiʻi

Employment markets
Consultant report in 2023

Good Jobs Hawaii
Career Pathway focus - link to regional job data under each course posting

UH Institutional Data

Report Directory
Directory of reports created by the UH System Institutional Research, Analysis and Planning Office (IRAPO). Reports with the Lock icon requires a UH log in to view data. Reports already compiled

Shared Data reports folder
Data reports used for Analytics at HawaiiCC including CCSSE, IPEDS, Institutional Performance Indicators, etc.

IPEDS Data Feedback Report
The Data Feedback Report is intended to provide institutions a context for examining the data they submitted to IPEDS. The figures in this report provide a selection of indicators for your institution to compare with a group of similar institutions.

Dashboards for Credit Course, Financial aid, Continuing Ed, College Access, ARPD, Hawaii Occupations, Education to Workforce, My Economy, CTE Courses by Cohort

Other tools to Explore

Report server
Schedule of classes and registration management. Access Request

STAR Academic Logic
Enrollment based data reports and one dashboard that recommends sections to add to meet demand. Course availability can also be used as a download of the schedule of courses. It also includes classroom utilization information. List of current students in a specific major. Student Success report shows student progress toward completion. Access Request

Tableau online
HCC, UH, UHCC dashboards - requires an account and access.

Tableau public
Link to data that has been shared on this site - requires a free account

Hawaii Data Collaborative Policy Map (census data)

Hawaii Policy Map