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HAW 9.209 Awarding of Emeritus Title

Issued: June 1, 2009
Revised: February 2021
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The purpose of this policy is to establish campus procedures for recommending qualified faculty members for emeritus title consistent with Board of Regents (BOR) Bylaws and Policies, Section 5.219 and Executive Policy E5.207


Faculty who are retiring or retired from the College with the rank of full professor or equivalent are eligible for emeritus status. The emeritus title is a distinction bestowed by the Board of Regents to honor well qualified and respected faculty members.

Policy and Procedures:

Since emeritus status is an honor bestowed, it cannot be applied for, but rather individuals must be recommended for this honor. Campus procedures are:

  1. Division Chair (or equivalent in non-instructional areas)
    In conjunction with division/department, submits recommendation to the appropriate
    Dean for awarding of emeritus title to retiring Professor, Community Colleges faculty
    Confirms eligibility with campus Personnel Officer.
    Summarizes accomplishments of faculty member and reasons for awarding of
    emeritus title to faculty member.
  2. Dean (or equivalent administrator for non-instructional areas)
    Receives and reviews recommendation from division chair for the awarding of the emeritus title.
    Submits his/her recommendation, and forwards package to the Chancellor.
  3. Chancellor
    Receives and reviews recommendations, adds his/her recommendations, and submits to the Vice President for Community Colleges a list of retiring or retired professors recommended for awarding of emeritus title.

Campus Deadline:

The Chancellor makes recommendations to the President on November 15 and May 15 each year for consideration by the BOR Personnel committee in December and June.

To allow sufficient time for review and transmittal, campus nominations are due to the Dean no later than October 15 or April 15.


Emeritus faculty will be listed in the college catalog. They will be invited to significant College events, e.g. graduation, and may be called upon by the College to serve as guest lecturers or participate in seminars.