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HAW 7.103 HawCC Guidelines Regarding Children of Our Students

Issued: April 2, 2009
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In general, the campus and classroom are not appropriate places for non-student minor children to be present on a frequent or continuing basis. Occasionally, family needs and responsibilities may require students to bring a child on campus for a limited period of time. A student who decides to bring a child to campus is expected to be respectful of the needs of others for a professional educational and work environment. These guidelines are intended to promote respect for the needs of all parties impacted by the presence of minor children as well as to protect the health and safety of the child and the college community. A parent/guardian must provide adult supervision at all times.

In the Classroom and Other Rooms

  1. For health and safety reasons children will not be allowed to enter high risk areas such as shops, science labs, mechanical rooms, garages, or areas where heavy equipment or power tools are in use.
  2. Only under occasional extenuating circumstances may a child be in a classroom while class is in session. Children may be allowed in the classroom under the supervision of the parent/guardian in the following circumstance:
    1. Alternate arrangements for childcare are impractical or impossible; and
    2. The faculty member or lecturer responsible for the classroom has granted permission. If the child is disruptive or interferes with instruction and/or testing, the faculty member may require the student and child to leave. The student will be responsible for the day’s material on his/her own.
  3. Because the Learning Center and the Testing Center are expected to be free of disruption, children are specifically prohibited.
  4. The UHH Library allows minor children, but they and the parent/guardian will be asked to leave if disruptive behavior occurs.
  5. Children are not to be brought to campus if the parent/guardian knows they are ill with a contagious disease.

Outside of Rooms on Campus

  1. If a supervisory adult cannot be located, minor children between the ages of 13 and 17, who are engaging in disruptive or dangerous behavior, will be asked to leave the campus. (This will also apply to children of parents/guardians who are not HawCC students.)
  2. In the interest of the children’s safety, minor children below age 13 will be reported to the Campus Security Officer and to the Police when a supervisory adult cannot be located. (This will also apply to children of parent/guardians who are not HawCC students.)
  3. For the children’s safety, they are prohibited from playing on roof tops, in stairwells, in doorways, on roadways, and in parking areas.
  4. Skateboarding and rollerblading are prohibited on campus and this is not limited to minors.

Field trips

  1. Non-student, minor children are not allowed on field trips related to college class.

Extra Curricular Activities

  1. During any college inter-generational activity, minor children are the responsibility of the parent/guardian or a supervisory adult designated by the parent/guardian who is expected to ensure the health and safety of the children and prevent disruptive and dangerous behavior.

Injuries or damages caused by minor children

  1. Parents/guardians are responsible and liable for all injuries or damages caused by their children. (Haw. Rev. Stat. §577-3). Parents/guardians, who are HawCC students, are responsible for any injuries or damages caused by their child while on campus and are subject to the HawCC Student Conduct Code, and if applicable, the State or Federal judicial system.