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JCCIH Newsletter: Hawai'i CC Updates April 2020

This column by Chancellor Rachel Solemsaas was published in the April 2020 edition of the JCCIH's Oshirase.


It’s amazing how our world has been turned upside down in the last several weeks as COVID-19 has thrown our local and global communities for a loop.

Hawai'i CC Launches TalkCampus Wellness App, Shares Other Mental Health Resources

Hawai‘i Community College is pleased to announce the launch of the TalkCampus app, which is an online global mental health support network available 24/7.

Students often face a variety of challenges even under normal circumstances, but the current situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic may create added difficulties.

Urgent Student Relief Funds Now Available

Applications for the University of Hawaiʻi Urgent Student Relief Fund are now open for students at all 10 campuses, including Hawai'i Community College.

Registration for 2020 Classes Now Underway

Hawai‘i Community College is pleased to announce that registration for fall 2020 classes has begun. Students who are ready can register using the online STAR registration system.

Covid-19: Important Message for Students Regarding Hawai'i CC Classes and Services
The following message was sent by Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Joni Onishi to Hawai'i CC students on March 18, 2020.

Dear Hawai'i Community College Students,

Limited Access to Buildings Through April 30

This is a message sent to faculty and staff by Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Ken Kaleiwahea.

Aloha faculty and staff,

A number of adjustments regarding campus facilities have been made due to a significant drop in usage as a result of the University's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as Governor Ige’s stay-at-home order through April 30.

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