The Office of Student Services provides all the necessary and complementary services related to the needs of students which are not directly instructional. The services are to better enable students to succeed in their learning experiences, adjust to the College and seek future goals in a more orderly fashion.
Counseling and Student Life
- Provides qualified, professional counseling services including assistance with career/life planning, establishing educational goals, adjusting to college life, developing job search skills, and job placement.
- Disseminates information about services available on campus, college transfer information, occupational exploration, and labor market trends, and provides referral services to community resources for specific services and information not available on campus.
- Coordinates assistance for students with disabilities and other groups in need of special assistance.
- Conducts orientation and provides workshops and classes on student development topics such as, career/life planning, decision making, goal setting, time management, and self-knowledge.
- Implements student center programs and other co-curricular activities
Enrollment Services
- Provides information about the college to the general public and selected special target populations, and implements recruitment strategies for the college.
- Provides pre-admissions counseling services including clarification of career/educational goals and workshops on preparing for college, and assistance in applying for financial aid.
- Delivers timely financial aid services to meet the needs of entering and enrolled students, including coordination of all Federal and State student financial aid programs.
- Delivers an efficient and flexible registration system for credit and non-credit programs, and assures that student academic records are properly maintained and made available to students.
- Provides enrollment certification for students receiving veterans' benefits, financial aid, and other such benefits.

Christine Quintana - Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Office: Manono Campus, Bldg. 379A-4 Admin Office
Phone: (808) 934-2509
Fax: (808) 934-2501

Kesha Kubo
Enrollment Services
Office: Information CTR Coord, MC 378-1
Phone: (808) 934-2502

Sherise Tiogangco
Registrar/Admiss & Records
Office: MC 378-13
Phone: (808) 934-2710

Glenn-Dee Kuwaye, Counselor
Majors: Running Start and Early Admissions Students
Coordinator/Reporter: Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator

Larissa Leslie, Counselor
Majors: Early Childhood Education, Environmental Sciences, Forest TEAM, Global Studies, Liberal Arts, Natural Sciences (Biological and Physical Science), International and English Second Language
Coordinator/Reporter: Department Chair, MySuccess, New Student Orientation

Kate De Soto, Mental Health Therapist LCSW
Other Groups: Clinical services are available for any Hawai`i CC student
Coordinator/Reporter: Mental Health and Personal Development Service

Mari Giel, Counselor
Majors: All majors for Students with Disabilities
Other Groups: Students with disabilities including Chapter 31 Veterans, and those exiting drug treatment and/or correctional facilities
Coordinator/Reporter: Hāʻawi Kōkua Program, Kōkua Technology Lab