Learn about scholarships and financial aid at "Scholarship Live!" virtual event on December 2
Scholarships and financial aid can help pay for college. But how can you tap into these sources of money?
Learn how at the “Scholarship Live!” virtual event on Thursday, December 2, 2021 from 5-7 p.m.
Hawai‘i Community College staff will walk you through the scholarship application process and assist you with writing your personal statement. You can also learn about financial aid and scholarship resources and opportunities.
Participants will also be entered to win one of four $500 tuition awards, along with other giveaways.
Register for the Zoom event by going to this link: https://bit.ly/ScholarshipLive2021
For more information, email hawccinf@hawaii.edu or call 934-2800.
>>>Related article: UH Scholarships: One application, many options