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Hawaiʻi Community College Day: More than 300 attendees!

More than 300 attendees at Hawai`i CC Day!

Hilo, Hawai`i – Hawai`i Community College's annual celebration, Hawai`i Community College Day, captivated the local community and made headlines in the Hawai`i Tribune Herald. The event, held on April 20th, showcased the institution's  program diversity and talents, drawing praise and recognition from attendees and media alike.

"One of the most gratifying aspects of Hawai`i Community College Day is seeing the excitement and engagement of our students and community members," remarked Interim Chancellor Susan Kazama. "Mahalo to the committee for organizing such a wonderful event! The Hawai`i CC Day and career fair was an incredible opportunity for students to explore diverse career paths and connect with faculty, who are also industry professionals.

As the excitement from Hawai`i Community College Day continues to reverberate throughout the community, the institution remains committed to fostering a culture of learning, exploration, and opportunity for all. With the programs, dedicated faculty, and campus community, Hawai`i Community College continues to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders and professionals in Hawai`i and beyond.