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Happy Holidays from Hawai'i Community College


Happiest of holidays to the Hawai‘i Community College alumni ‘ohana. 

photo of rachelWe are very close to the end of the fall 2021 semester, and I’m happy to report that our students and the College as a whole continue to learn, grow and succeed amid the challenges of the pandemic. 

Many Hawai’i CC students continue to take classes online. Many others are learning in person, especially in hands-on Career and Technical programs, and well-known college traditions continue: the Model Home Project is under construction, Culinary Arts students have been preparing meals for the public using produce grown by Agriculture students, and our Children’s Center is bustling with keiki, providing a place for Early Childhood Education students to study in a real-world setting. 

With 26 academic programs, three campus locations and over 2,000 students, there’s always a lot of activity. I encourage you to follow us on Instagram at @hawaiicc for the latest news and updates. 

Kāko‘o Student Emergency Aid Fund

During “Giving Tuesday” on Nov. 30, Hawai‘i CC raised funds for the Kāko‘o Emergency Student Aid Fund. The fund, which has been very valuable during the pandemic, supports students who are facing one-time emergency expenses that threaten their ability to stay enrolled and graduate. Mahalo to those who donated! 

Giving Tuesday has passed, but if you are interested in supporting Hawai‘i CC students through this fund, it’s not too late. Please see the Hawai‘i CC Giving Tuesday page for more information about the Student Aid Fund and how to give. Mahalo for considering. 

Alumni of the Year Nominations

Each year, the Hawai‘i Community College Alumni & ‘Ohana group selects an Alumni of the Year as a way to honor the success of our graduates. 

Last academic year, we posthumously honored the late William “Billy” Kenoi, an alum and former lecturer at Hawai‘i CC, who was an inspiration to so many in our community. 

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Alumni of the Year Award. Each year we select a theme for the award, and this year the theme is “kumu,” or teachers. Teachers do so much in our community and have worked extremely hard to adapt to the pandemic and keep our keiki learning. 

If you know of a teacher who got their start at Hawai‘i CC and is one of our cherished alumni, please consider nominating them for this award! You may find out more about the award and find a nomination form at our awards page. You may also contact our Alumni & ‘Ohana Board President Colby Koreyasu at if you have questions about the award. 

Happy holidays! 

Chancellor Rachel Solemsaas