Hawai‘i Community College - Pālamanui invites representatives from community-based organizations to attend referrers and recruitment training for the 2017-18 Ēlama Project Scholarship Program.
If you are a counselor, advisor, teacher, kumu, employer, trainer, coach, caseworker, or work in other areas of advocacy, then Ēlama Project would like you to join our affiliate network that recommends students for the scholarship program.
Referrers and recruitment training will be held on-campus at Hawai‘i Community College - Pālamanui from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on the following evenings:
- February 9, 15, 23
- March 1, 9 and 15
To register for referrer and recruitment training, call 808-969-8816.
About Ēlama Project
Ēlama Project is a very special initiative that makes college possible at Hawai’i Community College - Pālamanui for students who have compelling financial limitations or other barriers to enrollment. The program creates a learning environment that helps West Hawai'i students succeed and provides scholarship and academic support.
Scholarship recipients have an opportunity to try a year (fall & spring semesters) of college for free. Students may decide to attain a certificate, pursue an associate degree, or just try taking a few classes. Upon successful completion of the first year, Ēlama Scholars have access to additional financial assistance up to completion of an associate degree.
Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED and be classified as a Hawai'i resident per University of Hawai'i common application.