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GE Philosophy

General Education Philosophy:

For the learner, general education at Hawaiʻi Community College fosters self- awareness; broadens the understanding of an individual's roles within communities and environments; supports cultural understanding; emphasizes the breadth and interconnectedness of knowledge; and creates a foundation for continued personal, intellectual and professional development.

General Education Designation:

The Academic Senate initiated and oversees the General Education (GE) Committee, made up of discipline faculty and student support services representation, which considers for approval courses appropriate for GE designation for the AA and AS degrees.

The course designation process for AAS degrees involves agreements between the degree program and discipline faculty who approve courses as appropriate for meeting the program's Cultural, Natural, and Social Environments GE requirements.

General Education Learning Outcomes:

1. CommunicationSpeak and write to communicate information and ideas in professional, academic and personal settings.
2. Critical ReadingRead critically to synthesize information to gain understanding.
3. Critical ThinkingMake informed decisions through analyzing and evaluating information.
4. Information CompetencyRetrieve, evaluate, and utilize information.
5. Technological LiteracyEmploy computer technology to perform academic and professional tasks
6. Quantitative ReasoningApply mathematical concepts, methods, and problem-solving strategies to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate real-world problems in quantitative terms.
7. Areas of Knowledge:   Utilize methods, perspectives and content of selected disciplines in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
8. Self and CommunityEngage in activities demonstrating understanding of one's relationship with one's communities and environments.
9. Cultural DiversityArticulate and demonstrate an awareness and sensitivity to cultural diversity.
10. EthicsArticulate and demonstrate knowledge of ethical behavior and the process of ethical decision-making.

Memo: Liberal Arts Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) to General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs) alignment [PDF]

page last updated: 12/7/2017