The Learning Center (TLC) at Hawaii Community College is committed to student success by providing testing, tutoring, and mentoring support to help students become active participants in their learning process, and develop a positive approach toward learning which will facilitate achievement of their academic goals.
Our mission at the Learning Center is to provide quality academic support services that encourage and support student learning and success.
5 core values:
- Promote independent learning and critical thinking
- Respect diversity
- Honor confidentiality
- Demonstrate patience and compassion
- Provide a supportive learning environment
Or Call: (808) 934-2530
The Learning Center at Hawai'i Community College provides students with tutorial assistance; one-on-one, group, and online assistance; study skills support; computer spaces; and computer lab and Internet access. Academic support services are provided to help students become successful, independent learners and reach their educational goals.
Tutoring and academic support services are free and available to all Hawai'i CC students. Tutoring is available for Writing and Math (and other subject areas based on tutors' proficiency).
Peer tutors can assist students in the following areas:
- Reviewing assignments
- Brainstorming ideas or topics
- Developing a thesis
- Organizing ideas
- Incorporating sources correctly
- Evaluating the effectiveness of paragraphs
- Understanding concepts
- Practicing problems
- Developing strategies for breaking down projects into manageable and achievable tasks
- Study skill development
- Increasing awareness of procrastination and identifying ways to get back on track
- Assisting with exam preparation and test-taking strategies
Need access to a computer or the internet?
TLC is open Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4 pm (closed on holidays)
Virtual tutoring is offered Monday - Friday, 9 am - 3 pm (excluding holidays; hours may vary depending on tutor availability).
Visit the virtual Front Desk to speak to staff member, schedule an appointment, and connect to a tutor:
Monday - Friday, 9 am - 3 pm (closed on holidays)
Zoom URL: join the meeting
Zoom Meeting ID: 973 5786 5855
Passcode: tutor
If online learning leaves you confused or procrastinating if you are having difficulty with organization, find navigating Laulima confusing, or are not sure if you are heading in the right direction, tutors and mentors are available to assist you in managing priorities, moving around on-line resources more confidently and working to define your goals.

Peer Tutoring
We make sure our tutors meet certain criteria to provide you with the best tutoring experience possible. We offer free peer-tutoring for several disciplines including: math, academic writing, English language arts, and science. Walk-ins are welcome or you can make an appointment.
Or Call: (808) 934-2530

TLC Testing provides the following test proctoring services free to all UH System students, and for a fee, to non-UH System students and private organizations.
Many programs require Math or English placements or prerequisites. Students requiring a Math or English placement may use one of the following methods for placement.
- Submit Multiple Measures and Incoming Scores
Alternative placement allows students to use qualifying scores on the ACT, SAT, or Smarter Balanced Assessment tests for direct placement into Math and English courses.
You can use any of the placement measures below. If one of the measures below leads to placement in a developmental education class, you have the option of taking a placement test if you think it will improve your placement. Placement measures for entering students:
- Cumulative High School GPA
- 12th Grade English Grade
- 12th Grade Intro to College Math Grade
- 12th Grade Alg 3, Trig, or Pre Calc Grade
- Algebra II grade
- Algebra I grade
- ACT Writing / Math score
- SAT Writing / Math score
- HiSET Language Arts / Math score
- GED Language Arts / Math score
- Smarter Balanced Assessment (English)
- Smarter Balanced Assessment (math)
If you use any of the above measures, please complete the Placement Qualifier Online Form
Meeting with an academic advisor can help to determine which scores are appropriate for entry.
- Take the EdReady Math and/or English diagnostic test (Students who need to take an ESL placement test must take ACCUPLACER, see option #3 below).
- The UH System has implemented the use of EdReady as an unproctored alternative to the Accuplacer placement test. Scores can be used for placement into English and Math classes.
- EdReady is a free online self-paced learning platform for students preparing to take college placement tests or for students preparing for college courses. Students can take the EdReady test at any time
- After you complete the initial diagnostic test you can use your score to register for classes. You can also keep working on your learning path to improve your score. When you hit a scoring milestone, you'll get an email letting you know the next math or English course you have qualified for.
- EdReady placement scores will be uploaded into the UH system every 24 – 72 hours
- Quick Start Guide on how to use EdReady
- Click here to get started by signing in and creating your account.
- The Goal Key for Hawaiʻi Community College is: UH_HAW_Placement
- Accuplacer
- The Accuplacer Placement test is used to place students in appropriate English and Math courses and also identifies prerequisite skill levels for certain courses and programs.
- Students who need to take an ESL placement test must take ACCUPLACER.
- ACCUPLACER is a computer-based test that has three sections: reading, writing, and math.
- The average time to complete each section is approximately 45 minutes.
- You may retake any or all sections at any time for a fee (see the retake section below).
- The University will still accept Accuplacer scores taken within 2 years of entry.
- This test is taken in person at the Hawaiʻi Community College Testing Center
- Tests are scheduled by appointment only and testing appointments must be made at least 72 hours (3 days) in advance. Students will receive a confirmation email with more information about their testing appointment.
- Accuplacer is free to UH students for their first attempt. Accuplacer retakes are $25.00 and must be paid before re-testing. Please contact The Learning Center for more details.
- A valid photo ID and a UH student ID number are required for testing.
- No children are allowed in the Testing Center; they must be supervised at all times while on campus.
- If you want to retake a section of the test for which you have unexpired test scores (taken within the last two years), you will be charged $25.
- The retake fee is non-refundable/non-transferable.
- The retake fee is a flat rate of $25 per appointment, regardless of how many sections you choose to retake.
- The retake fee must be paid before scheduling an appointment. Go to the HawCC business office (Manono Campus, building 397) to pay the fee, or call them at (808) 934-2750 for more information.
How to Prepare for Accuplacer Placement Testing
Distance Education online and paper-based testing for all colleges and universities in the University of Hawaii System Make-up tests and retests for campus courses These services are free to all UH System students, and for a fee, to non-UH System students and private organizations.
Information for Students
- Discuss testing details (i.e. approved items, exam deadlines) with your instructor.
- Contact The Learning Center to schedule an appointment (walk-ins may not always be accommodated).
- You must present a photo ID every time you take a test.
- You must abide by Hawai‘i CC Student Conduct and sign a Proctored Distance Education Testing Rules Form prior to taking your first proctored test each semester.
- Only approved instruments/materials are allowed in the testing room. No exceptions will be made.
- All personal belongings (wallets, bags, purses, cell phones, electronics, etc.) will be locked in a secured cabinet during the test.
- It is the responsibility of the student to bring allowable materials/supplies needed for exams.
- Unless prior arrangements were made with your instructor, you are only allowed to test within the scheduled dates and times of the exam.
- Be on time for your test. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, the test center may not be able to accommodate you. All tests must be submitted by 4:00 pm.
Information for Facutly
- Discuss testing details (i.e., approved items, exam deadlines) with your students.
- Complete a UH Test Proctoring Request Form at least five business days prior to exam window. Proctoring Request Form
- Email completed Proctoring Request Form to
- Remind your students to schedule an appointment.
- It is the responsibility of the faculty to bring or notify students of allowable materials/supplies needed for exams.
- The Learning Center must be notified of any changes/updates to exams by the faculty prior to exam dates.
For more information about UH Distance Education at Hawaiʻi CC, click here.
Non-UH Student Proctoring Services
- Students enrolled in an online or distance learning course with another institution, who are interested in completing an exam at one of the University of Hawaii campuses, should contact a nearby UH Test Center. Cost for proctoring services is $25 per hour and any fraction thereof.
- As a service to Hawai‘i Community College faculty and students, TLC proctors make–up tests. Please note that we are unable to proctor tests for entire classes, large groups, or during final exams week.
- Faculty should complete the Make–Up Test Request Form at least 2 days before the available date of the test and deliver the Make-Up Test Request Form along with the test to TLC. If arrangements are being made to proctor the same test for more than one student, the same Instruction form can be used, but copies of the test must be provided for all students.
- Instructors need to pick up and sign for completed tests. Tests cannot be returned through campus mail.
- All unmarked tests remaining at the end of the semester will be shredded unless otherwise noted on the Instructions form.

Peer Coaching & Mentoring
Our tutors are Hawaiʻi Community College and University of Hawaiʻi students—just like you. Chances are, they’ve been through the same things you’re going through, so they can offer valuable advice from experience.
If online learning leaves you confused or procrastinating if you are having difficulty with organization, find navigating Laulima confusing, or are not sure if you are heading in the right direction, tutors and mentors are available to assist you in managing priorities, moving around on-line resources more confidently and working to define your goals.
TLC can help students with Google@UH, Laulima, MyUH, and UH accounts and provide best-effort support for problems or questions with personal computers and other smart devices.

Space to Work
Sometimes, we just need some space to work. With access to computers, large meeting spaces with whiteboards, and a library of textbooks, you can connect to your online classes, work on assignments, —or relax in our student lounge for when you need that break. offers free one-to-one learning solutions for all registered University of Hawaiʻi Community College students and professionals.
All of their services are live, on demand, and online. Homework help, tutoring for 40+ subjects, peer coaching, professional development, training, career help—they do it all.

UH Mānoa Online Learning Academy
The University of Hawaiʻi’s Online Learning Academy (OLA) provides free, one-on-one English, math, and science peer-tutoring for all Hawaiʻi Department of Education (DOE) and University of Hawaiʻi System students statewide.

EdReady is a free online self-paced learning platform for students preparing to take college placement tests or for students preparing for college courses. EdReady scores can also be used for placement into English and Math classes.
Click here to get started by signing in and creating your own account.
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am–4:00pm
You can call us at (808) 934–2530 during office hours (except holidays) or you can click on the button to the right to fill out the email form. Our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.