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Facility Use Application Directions

Facilities Use Application and Directions

To reserve a classroom for your function, it is recommended you ensure the room is available by first checking the room schedule matrix: Check availability online for classroom requested:

  1. Check campus = HawCC
  2. Check term = Fall, Spring, Summer
  3. Select other details as needed (usually select time as 6:30 am – 11:00 pm)
  4. Select room from drop down box
  5. Rooms with the "Manono" suffix are on HawCC campus
  6. All other rooms listed are on UHH (Upper) campus

The requestor selects an appropriate vacant room for the day and time period and completes the form accordingly. It is wise to make a second choice selection in the event the room of first choice becomes booked by the time your form arrives at the POM office before your request is received.

If the requestor is a Hawaii CC employee or student, the form must also be signed by a supervisor, department head or advisor. Facility use charges will be assessed for all events not related to educational functions regardless of the requestor's Hawaii CC status (student, employee or faculty member). Requestor originates and submits Facilities Use Request Form to Planning, Operations and Maintenance (POM), Bldg 389, Call 934-2753 if you have additional questions.

Please read the "Facilities Use Practices, Procedures and Terms of Use" before completing the application form.

Click on the "Facility Use Form" link for the following documents:

  1. Application for Facilities Use
  2. Appendix A-Facilities Use Fees
  3. Sample of County of Hawaii, Dept of Public Works, Permit for Temporary Structure
  4. County of Hawaii, International Building Code 2006, Temporary Structures Code Regulations
  5. Hawaii Fire Department-Tent/Fair/Market Permit Application
  6. Application for Temporary Food Establishment Permit
  7. Instructions for Temporary Food Permit Applications

HawCC/UH Affiliated Requestors must input their own work orders for furniture, tables, media equipment, services, security, etc.

Technology Services:: Requests for assistance for all media and IT concerns should be submitted through this helpdesk link, which is only accessible to employees who are on a networked computer on-campus. If you are not on campus, please contact your department clerical to submit the work order on your behalf.

POM work request for cleaning, repairs, moves, and other services.

Non-classroom/Conference Room Requests

The requestor selects an appropriate vacant room for the day and time period and completes the form accordingly. It is wise to make a second choice selection in the event the room of first choice becomes booked by the time your form arrives at the POM office. Click here for list of preferred rooms with features and contact information.

All forms must include the authorizer's (responsible party) signature. Requests from College employees and students must be signed by one's supervisor, department head or advisor. If the event is not education related, even though you are a student, faculty, or staff member, charges may apply. Contact the Office of Administrative Services at 934-2507 for clarification. Organizations not affiliated with the College will be charged a room rental fee and other applicable fees for any room requested. Requestor originates and submits Facilities Use Request Form to Planning, Operations and Maintenance (POM), Bldg 389,