Note: In order to view the following PDF documents, you will need to have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
- 02-11-13 ACCJC Reaffirmation of Accreditation
- 05-11-13 Priority List of Courses from VCAA
- 05-31-13 GE Committee Charge
- 05-31-13 GE Committee Charge Appendix A
- 08-30-13 VCAA Memo to DC's for GE
- 09-05-13 Ellen Email to GEC on Articulation
- 09-18-13 VCAA Email to Ellen & Lou on Articulation
- 11-04-13 RFP for GE Proposals
- 02-06-14 News OPTIONAL second Secondary Designation
- 02-20-14 email From Robyn Re Rev. GE Course Designation.
- 05-22-14 UHM QRWG Spring 2014 End-of-semester Report
- 05-01-14 - 05-08-14 GE & pre-college literacy skills
- Requests for recall of 5/9/14 Academic Senate GE vote