Diversification - Arts (DA)
- ART 101 Introduction to the Visual Arts
- ART 105B Introduction to Ceramics – Handbuilding
- ART 105C Introduction to Ceramics – Wheelthrowing
- ART 108 Elementary Studio: Drawing and Painting
- ART 111 Introduction to Watercolor Painting
- ART 113 Introduction to Drawing
- ART 114 Introduction to Color
- ART 115 Introduction to 2D Design
- ART 214 Introduction to Life Drawing
- ART 217 Screen Printing
- ART 230 Textile Design
- DNCE 153 Introduction to Dance Forms
- DNCE 185 Modern/Jazz Dance I
- DNCE 190V Aerial Dance I
- DNCE 195 Introduction to Environmental Dance
- ENG 204 Creative Writing
- HWST 103 Hana No‘eau: Hawaiian Art Culture
- HWST 106 Mele Hawai‘i: Hawaiian Songs
- HWST 130 Hula I: Introduction to Indigenous Leadership Through Hula
- HWST 131 Hula II: Development of Indigenous Leadership Through Hula
- HWST 230 Hula III: ‘Auana
- HWST 206 Oli Hawai‘i: Hawaiian Chants
- HWST 231 Hula IV: Hu‘elepo
- SP 151 Personal and Public Speech
- SP 251 Principles of Effective Public Speaking
Diversification - Humanities (DH)
- ASAN 120 Japanese Culture I
- ASAN 121 Chinese Culture
- HAW 101 Elementary Hawai‘i Language I
- HAW 102 Elementary Hawai‘i Language II
- HAW 201 Intermediate Hawai‘i Language I
- HAW 202 Intermediate Hawai‘i Language II
- HIST 120 National Cinemas
- HIST 153 Hawai‘i and the World I
- HIST 154 Hawai‘i and the World II
- HIST 241 Civilization of Asia I
- HWST 100 Piko Hawai‘i: Connecting to Hawai‘i Island
- HWST 101 Hawai‘i Culture I: ‘Aikapu
- HWST 102 Mauli Hawai‘i: Hawaiian Spirituality
- HWST 105 Mea Kanu Hawai‘i: Hawaiian Plant Culture
- HWST 107 Hawai‘i: Center of the Pacific
- HWST 201 Hawai‘i Culture II: ‘Ai Noa
- PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy: Survey of Problems
- PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy: Morals and Society
- SP 260 Media and Society
Diversification - Literature (DL)
- ENG 255 Types of Literature: Short Story and Novel
- ENG 256 Types of Literature: Poetry and Drama
- ENG 257A Themes in Literature: Literature of Hawai‘i
- ENG 257E Themes in Literature: Multi-Cultural Literature
- HWST 270 Hawaiian Mythology (formerly HWST 104)
Diversification - Biological Sciences (DB)
- BIOL 100 Human Biology
- BIOL 101 Biology and Society
- BIOL 124 (formerly SCI 124) Environment and Ecology
- BIOL 156 Natural History of the Hawaiian Islands
- BIOL 171 Introduction to Biology I
- BIOL 172 Introduction to Biology II
- BOT 101 General Botany
- GEO 170 Forest Ecosystem Surveying, Inventorying, and Monitoring
- MICR 130 General Microbiology
- PHYL 141 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (formerly BIOL 141)
- ZOOL 101 Principles of Zoology
Diversification - Physical Sciences (DP)
- ASTR 110 Survey of Astronomy
- BIOC 141 Fundamentals of BioChemistry
- CHEM 100 Chemistry and Society
- CHEM 161 General Chemistry I
- ERTH 101 Introduction to Geology (formerly GG 101)
- GEO 101 Geography and the Natural Environment
- OCN 201 Ocean of the Sea
- PHYS 105 Energy Systems and Sustainability
Diversification - Natural Science Lab (DY)
- BIOL 100L Human Biology Laboratory
- BIOL 124L Environment and Ecology Lab (formerly SCI 124L)
- BIOL 156L Natural History of the Hawaiian Islands Lab
- BIOL 171L Introduction to Biology I Lab
- BIOL 172L Introduction to Biology II Lab
- BOT 101L General Botany Lab
- BOT 105L Ethnobotany Lab
- CHEM 100L Chemistry and Society Lab
- CHEM 161L General Chemistry I Lab
- ERTH 101 Introduction to Geology Lab (formerly GG 101L)
- MICR 140L General Microbiology Lab
- PHYL 141L (formerly BIOL 141L) Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
- PHYL 142L (formerly BIOL 142L) Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
- ZOOL 101L Principles of Zoology Lab
Diversification - Social Sciences (DS)
- ANTH 150 Human Adaptations
- ANTH 200 Cultural Anthropology
- BOT 105 Ethnobotany
- ECED 105 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
- ECED 110 Developmentally Appropriate Practices
- ECED 131 Early Childhood Development: Theory into Practice
- ECON 130 Microeconomics
- ECON 131 Macroeconomics
- GEO 122 Geography of Hawai‘i
- HDFS 230 Human Development (formerly FAMR 230)
- HSER 110 Introduction to Human Services
- PACS 108 Pacific Worlds: An Introduction to Pacific Island Studies
- PSY 100 Survey of Psychology (Introductory)
- PSY 170 Psychology of Adjustment
- PSY 275 Psychology and the Expressive Arts
- SOC 100 Survey of General Sociology
- SSCI 111 Food, Water, Energy, Technology: Then and Now
- SSCI 150 Ecology and Society
- WGSS 151 Introduction to Women's Studies