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2023 CCSSE Reports

These data reports reflect Hawaii Community College's 2021 CCSSE administration and participation in the 2023 CCSSE Cohort.

Standard Reports for Hawaii Community College

Additional Breakout Reports

Additional breakout reports are available through the Custom Report Requests system.


CCSSE Codebook

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  • Comparison Groups
    Comparison groups include alphabetical listings of all colleges within the complete 2023 Cohort (colleges that participated in CCSSE from 2021 through 2023)—and also by size, state, accreditation region, and consortium.
  • Table 1: Respondents to Underlying Population Comparisons
    Table 1 details respondent characteristics from your college as well as population data for 1) your college, 2) similarly-sized 2023 CCSSE Cohort colleges, and 3) all 2023 CCSSE Cohort colleges. The specific characteristics examined include gender identity, race/ethnicity, age, and enrollment status.
  • Table 2: Percent of Target
    Table 2 provides data on survey response counts and rates for 2023 CCSSE Cohort colleges as well as breakouts for colleges in each size category—small, medium, large, and extra-large.
  • Table 3: Respondents and the Underlying Population Comparisons by College Size
    Table 3 highlights data about respondent and population characteristics by institution size and overall, similar to data presented in Table 1. The specific characteristics examined include gender identity, race/ethnicity, age, and enrollment status.
  • Table 4: Underlying Population Percentages by Gender Identity and Enrollment Status
    Table 4 examines college-level population characteristics (gender identity and enrollment status) by institution size.
  • Table 5: Underlying Population Percentages by Race/Ethnicity
    Table 5 examines college-level population race/ethnicity characteristics by institution size.
  • Table 6: Underlying Population Percentages by Age
    Table 6 examines college-level population age characteristics by institution size.
  • Table 7: Survey Response Rates
    Table 7 provides overall response rates, within class response rates, and the percentage of sampled classes surveyed for participating institutions that administered the pencil-and-paper survey. Overall response rates are calculated by dividing the number of surveys returned by the number of surveys sent to the college; within class response rates are calculated by averaging the per class response rate across all surveyed classes; and the percentage of sampled classes surveyed is calculated by dividing the number of surveyed classes by the number of sampled classes. Calculations are adjusted to exclude student respondents less than 18 years of age and student respondents who have already taken the survey. Note that some responses included in the calculations for this table are excluded from the raw data file as they are classified as invalid.

    For participating institutions that administered the online survey, within class response rates and percentage of sampled classes surveyed are not applicable. Overall response rates are calculated by dividing the number of surveys completed by the number of access codes submitted by the college.