The Manono Campus in Hilo.
Students at the Manono campus in front of P'io P'io Hale.

The front of the Manono campus when the college was known as the Hawaii Technical School.
Students in front of Hale Aloha, which was recently renovated and is home to the Nursing program.

Several Career & Technical Education programs are located on the Upper Campus at UH Hilo, including Machine, Welding and Industrial Mechanics.
Hawai'i CC students share many services with UH Hilo students and have access to the Mookini Library, the UH Hilo Bookstore and other resources on the Upper Campus at UH Hilo.

Papa'ā Hale and Kapakapakaua Malae are the site of many Hawaiian protocols ceremonies at the Manono campus.

Students in the Agriculture program use greenhouses and other facilities in Pana'ewa.

Programs in the Business Education and Technology Division, like Information Technology, are located on the Upper Campus at UH Hilo.

Welina Mai!
Hawai‘i Community College was founded in Hilo in 1941 and has been proudly serving the Hawai‘i Island community ever since. After 15 years at various locations, the college settled at the present-day Manono campus in 1956.
The Manono Campus at 1175 Manono Street in Hilo serves as the main campus and is home to many academic programs, student services and administrative offices. Hawai‘i CC also has programs and services on the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo campus, often referred to as the “upper campus.”
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