What are PLOs?
Program Learning Outcomes specify what students will know and be able to do after completing a designated program of study. PLOs are focused on the significant components of a program or discipline and are intended to prepare students for continued success in their future educational and career paths and contributions to their community.
Program faculty and staff are responsible for the development, revision, and assessment of program learning outcomes, including alignment with appropriate course and institutional learning outcomes. Each program’s learning outcomes align to at least one of the institutional learning outcomes and all programs are responsible to provide students opportunities to achieve the general education learning outcomes.
Program outcomes primarily are evaluated through course-level assessments and programs are encouraged to comprehensively evaluate PLOs through cross-course and cross-disciplinary assessment projects. Programs include discussions of assessments in their annual and comprehensive program reviews, including strategies, results and changes made to improve instruction and/or assessment, and assessment data informs program action plans for overall improvements in student success.
For the Course Reports Archive, click here
Program Learning Outcomes
- Perform basic accounting tasks and business math skills to maintain accurate accounting systems in for-profit organizations.
- Communicate with stake holders in a manner that reflects organizational culture and sensitivity to diverse customer and community needs.
- Perform basic office functions using standard and emerging technologies.
- Demonstrate, in a work environment, effective self-management through efficient use of time and personal commitments.
- Participate effectively in individual and group decision making.
- Use critical thinking skills to make decisions that reflect legal and ethical standards of the accounting profession.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Express a foundational understanding of the three components (law enforcement, courts, and corrections) of the Administration of Justice system and how they interrelate and affect individuals and society.
- Work independently and interdependently with diverse populations to produce personal, professional, and community outcomes.
- Use technology to access, synthesize, and communicate information effectively in written and oral reports.
- Develop and initiate career plans to obtain jobs or continue a degree in Administration of Justice or related fields.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Plan and manage projects and cultivate horticultural crops using legal; sustainable; safe; and ecologically, biologically, and technologically sound practices.
- Design gardens that demonstrate the aesthetic principles of unity, repetition, balance, color, and texture congruent with the customers' desires.
- Operate and maintain tools and equipment.
- Set-up and manage a business enterprise.
- Interact with customers and co-workers in ways that effectively support the work to be accomplished.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Using computational and reasoning skills, demonstrates entry-level skills for accuracy in drawings, and identifies the relationship of features to demonstrate visualization proficiency.
- Formulate, design, revise and construct projects utilizing knowledge of proper construction materials and resources based on design criteria, and be able to defend, explain, and discuss.
- Design and generate Architectural and Engineering documents using two-dimensional and three-dimensional CAD programs.
- Demonstrate operational competence in using surveying hand tools and equipment.
- Demonstrate communication, critical thinking, research, and problem-solving skills.
- Illustrate within the design process an understanding of the balance between cultures, community, and the environment.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Demonstrate entry-level knowledge and skills required for the safe operation of tools and equipment necessary to perform repairs on modern automobiles.
- Apply proper safety procedures and regulated compliance standards applicable to the auto collision and refinish industry.
- Demonstrate structural panel repair techniques and advanced welding skills.
- Demonstrate competence in refinish procedures.
- Employ industry standard operating procedures and repair techniques.
- Utilize research, communication and problem solving skills to evaluate and operationalize repair tasks.
- Model professional conduct and practice desirable work habits and attitudes for successful employment in the auto repair industry.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Identify and demonstrate proper work readiness skills and respect for cultural differences.
- Apply safety measures at all times.
- Maintain proper use of shop tools and equipment.
- Demonstrate access and use of online repair manuals.
- Diagnose and repair typical problems encountered by owners of vehicles.
- Perform routine maintenance functions on vehicles.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Work as a responsible member of a team to meet an organization's objectives.
- Demonstrate professionalism in work quality, appearance, attitude, and workplace behavior as required in a diverse business environment.
- Use current and emerging technologies effectively to create and manage documents and handle multiple priorities.
- Communicate clearly and effectively through oral and written interactions, complying with standard office etiquette.
- Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate real-world problems using research, critical thinking, and decision-making skills to make informed choices and solve problems.
- Apply appropriate strategies to secure employment, retain a job, and advance in a career.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Understand and utilize math computations, formulas, and measurements required in the carpentry field.
- Understand the properties of wood, its sustainability and how it dictates the fundamental principles and procedures involved in carpentry.
- Demonstrate safe practices concerning, personal safety, hand and power tool usage, and all aspects of fabrication/construction.
- Use appropriate tools, materials/fasteners and current building technology to complete projects.
- Practice good work ethics and quality workmanship with regard to industry standards.
- Construct projects by interpreting drawings, applying building code requirements where applicable.
- Synthesize principles, procedures and objectives using critical thinking, appropriate materials, tools/equipment and procedures to construct a residential dwelling.
- Demonstrate awareness of environmental and cultural impacts at the community and global level during planning and construction phases.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Use technology effectively to create visual artworks.
- Gather, analyze, and evaluate information visually.
- Apply knowledge of aesthetics to the needs of the community.
- Demonstrate professionalism with a digital portfolio.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Apply appropriate ethics for purchasing and receiving in the culinary industry.
- Demonstrate proper work attitudes and work habits.
- Demonstrate general knowledge of culinary departmental functions and their relationship
- Demonstrate an understanding of the culinary industry business operations.
- Demonstrate entry-level proficiency in technical skills required in the culinary industry according to the American Culinary Federation.
- Choose an appropriate career path based on industry knowledge or requirements.
- Apply appropriate etiquette, appearance, and hygiene as required by industry standards.
- Demonstrate skills necessary for acquiring a job in the culinary field.
- Integrate their knowledge of Hawaiʻi's culture and food into cuisine.
- Apply nutritional concerns to the creation of menus.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Apply appropriate ethics for purchasing and receiving in the culinary industry.
- Demonstrate proper work attitudes and work habits.
- Demonstrate general knowledge of culinary departmental functions and their relationship
- Demonstrate an understanding of the culinary industry business operations.
- Demonstrate entry-level proficiency in technical skills required in the culinary industry according to the American Culinary Federation.
- Choose an appropriate career path based on industry knowledge or requirements.
- Apply appropriate etiquette, appearance, and hygiene as required by industry standards.
- Demonstrate skills necessary for acquiring a job in the culinary field.
- Integrate their knowledge of Hawaiʻi's culture and food into cuisine.
- Apply nutritional concerns to the creation of menus.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Function safely in a heavy equipment shop environment.
- Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively to gather and convey information.
- Apply theory and principles for proper diagnosis, repair, and maintenance in the heavy-duty truck equipment industry.
- Practice the minimum essential mental, physical, and behavioral skills necessary to maintain professional proficiency.
- Work collaboratively with others as well as independently.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Use knowledge of child development and of individual children to create healthy, challenging learning environments, and experiences.
- Build positive relationships and guide children through supportive interactions.
- Build respectful partnerships with children, families, colleagues, and communities.
- Observe, document, and assess children's development and learning in partnerships with families.
- Plan, implement, and assess learning experiences using appropriate content, concepts, and methods.
- Use reflective practices to base decisions and actions on ethical and professional standards.
- Advocate for children and their families within the program.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Accurately demonstrate entry-level skills in residential, commercial, and industrial electrical installation and maintenance.
- Practice safety on the job and recognize potential hazards.
- Interpret and comply with the National Electrical Code NFPA 70 book and local codes.
- Read and interpret all sections of blueprints and draft electrical circuits.
- Integrate carpentry, masonry, plumbing, and HVACR systems with electrical installation and maintenance.
- Produce take-off lists, perform layout and install new materials for existing and new projects.
- Think critically, do research, calculate minimum requirements, and solve problems.
- Demonstrate the qualities of an apprentice electrician: positive attitude and behavior, discipline, promptness and attendance, ability to work alone or with others, with cultural awareness and good communication skills.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Specify, design, build, install, program, operate, troubleshoot, analyze, and modify electronics systems, automated test, and manufacturing control systems.
- Specify, install, program, operate, troubleshoot , and modify computer systems.
- Have effective written, interpersonal, presentation, and team building skills.
- Have the necessary leadership and management skills to effectively complete a project.
- Have a well-developed sense of work ethics and personal discipline to succeed in their chosen profession.
- Have attitudes, abilities, and skills required to adapt to rapidly changing technologies and a desire for life-long learning.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Meet the minimum academic training requirements of the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Standard 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications (Fire Fighter I).
- Perform as fully qualified wildland firefighters (FFT2) in accordance with National Wildfire Coordinating Group PMS 310-1 standards.
- Utilize the Incident Command System to manage a wide variety of planned and un-planned incidents.
- Demonstrate knowledge of modern fire service strategies, tactics, and management for both structural and wildland fire incidents.
- Meet the requirements for National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) 472, Standard for Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents for the Awareness and Operational Levels.
- Apply the principles of interpersonal communication, cooperative teamwork, supervision, and management for leadership in the fire service.
- Apply theoretical principles of the chemistry of fire and hydraulics to solve water supply problems.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Demonstrate essential hospitality operations and management skills, including accounting, marketing, and information technology.
- Communicate effectively with guests and coworkers through writing, speech, listening, and nonverbal expression appropriate for the hospitality workplace.
- Analyze diverse and dynamic hospitality workplace situations to solve problems and achieve goals through leadership and teamwork.
- Assess personal work performance through various lenses, including Hawaiian cultural values, multicultural global perspectives, ethical reasoning, legal principles, and sustainability.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Portray a respectful attitude harmonizing with place, culture, and diverse perspectives, through a reflection of values and self awareness.
- Evaluate employment and educational opportunities through a comprehensive awareness of the function of Human Services in the community.
- Utilize communication skills and implement strategies to assess the multiple causes of social issues and concerns.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
- Describe aboriginal Hawaiian linguistic, cultural, historical, and political concepts.
- Apply aboriginal Hawaiian concepts, knowledge, and methods to the areas of science, humanities, arts, and social sciences, in academics and in other professional endeavors.
- Engage, articulate, and analyze topics relevant to the aboriginal Hawaiian community using college-level research and writing methods.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Information Systems: Plan, develop, and implement the hardware, software, and procedural components of a data processing system in a business environment.
- Networking: Plan, develop, and implement the hardware, software, and procedural components of a data communications system in a business environment.
- Programming: Plan, develop, implement, and document computer programs that meet the data processing requirements of a business organization.
- Productivity: Work independently and cooperatively to deliver reports, programs, projects, and other deliverables that document a business organization's information technology requirements.
- Legal/Ethical/Professional: Base decisions and actions on the legal, ethical, and professional guidelines and practices of the information technology field.
- Explore: Demonstrate the ability to search, analyze, and synthesize current information and solutions in the rapidly changing information technology profession.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Communicate Effectively - Speak and write to communicate information and ideas in academic settings.
- Think Critically - Retrieve, read, and utilize information and synthesize, analyze and evaluate that information to gain understanding and make informed decisions.
- Reason Quantitatively - Use quantitative, logical and symbolic reasoning to address theoretical and real-world problems.
- Apply Areas of Knowledge - Utilize methods, perspectives and content of selected disciplines in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.
- Engage as Global Citizens - Demonstrate awareness of the relationship between self, community and the environment, respecting cultural diversity and an understanding of ethical behavior.
Course Learning Outcomes (LBRT-ENG) (Link)
Course Learning Outcomes (LBRT-HUM) (Link)
Course Learning Outcomes (LBRT-MATH) (Link)
Course Learning Outcomes (LBRT-SCI) (Link)
Course Learning Outcomes (LBRT-SOC SCI) (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
The Liberal Arts program is linked with HCC's General Education Learning Outcomes.
- Develop responsive marketing campaigns that adapt to both foreign and domestic markets.
- Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the marketing and management environment of Hawaii and offer innovative ideas to develop and sustain said environment.
- Develop current technological skills and be able to utilize said skills in a simulated business environment.
- Communicate an in-depth understanding of the diverse needs of the international market through the creation of culturally responsive management plans.
- Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate with a global audience.
- Design an active portfolio that demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the principles of advertising up to and including the proper use of color, graphic design, and digital audio production.
- Develop solutions that demonstrate the successful navigation of the current financial and legal business environment.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Demonstrate the attributes of a good employee including good safety practices; good communication skills; positive work ethics; working collaboratively or independently under supervision; being a life-long learner; demonstrating an awareness of hazardous materials; and taking responsibility for the orderliness and cleanliness of the workplace.
- Demonstrate and be able to apply the proper set-up and use of basic machine tools and equipment; metalworking equipment; common welding and cutting processes; industrial mechanics equipment; material handling equipment and related machinery; and entry-level ability to interpret blueprints.
- Demonstrate and be able to apply mechanical reasoning, form perception and spatial relations, and numerical reasoning skills as a part of the basic entry-level skills and knowledge necessary to gain employment in the Machining, Welding, Industrial Mechanics or related fields.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Analyze data effectively using current technology
- Communicate scientific ideas and principles clearly and effectively
- Analyze and apply fundamental mathematical, physical, and chemical concepts and techniques to scientific issues
- Apply fundamental concepts and techniques in their chosen concentration
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Implement critical thinking effectively when applying the nursing process in providing compassionate and coordinated care to individuals and their support systems.
- Integrate knowledge gained from biological, social, and nursing sciences with clinical practice in meeting the complex needs of diverse individuals in multiple settings.
- Create an environment that promotes caring and professionalism with consideration for cultural/societal beliefs and practices.
- Utilize information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making.
- Use data to assess outcomes of care processes and determine ways to improve the delivery of quality care.
- Practice safely and ethically within the scope of practice while providing nursing care and working with the health care team.
- Demonstrate effective communication and collaborative dialogue within nursing and the interprofessional team to achieve quality patient care.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
PLO-GELO Alignment Table
- Retrieve, integrate, and apply relevant and reliable information, concepts from multiple disciplines, and standards of nursing as the basis for evidenced based nursing care.
- Use the nursing process as a framework for critical thinking to assess, plan, prioritize, implement, and evaluate safe and effective nursing care for those who have predictable nursing needs.
- Demonstrate compassion and caring by developing and maintaining therapeutic relationships based upon mutuality and respect for the health and healing practices, beliefs, and values of the individual and community.
- Communicate and function as a member of a multi-disciplinary health care team.
- Demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver effective health teaching as an integral part of promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health, management of chronic conditions, and end of life care in structural settings.
- Demonstrate professional behaviors and practice within the legal and ethical framework of licensed practical nursing.
- Utilize self-reflection to evaluate their nursing effectiveness and personal experiences for ongoing learning and growth.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
- Satisfy the addiction studies educational requirements for Hawaii State Department of Health Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division's (ADAD) Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC) and/or Certified Drug Prevention Specialist (CDPS).
- Identify and articulate medical, social and/or psychological aspects of addiction.
- Apply the Twelve Core Functions of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor, and practice within the legal and ethical parameters of the substance abuse counseling profession.
- Perform basic individual or group counseling and interviewing/facilitation skills, and reflect on personal values, and issues that may enhance or interfere with effectiveness as a counselor.
- Develop career plans for entry-level positions in substance abuse, criminal justice, and human services organizations that service substance abusing populations, or transfer to a 4-year college to continue education in SUBS related fields.
Course Learning Outcomes (Link)
- Apply basic ecosystem concepts to natural resource management.
- Use an understanding of general scientific concepts in design of forestry systems.
- Use knowledge of applicable laws and regulations to make decisions about managing ecosystems.
- Apply effective interpersonal and communication skills.
- Recognize collect and interpret field data.
- Apply effective management practices to commercial or conservation efforts.