General Education Learning Outcomes
General Education Learning Outcomes are focused on the general education curriculum. They state what students will be able to do as a result of their participation in courses with a general education component. The development and revision of general education learning outcomes, including alignment with other learning outcomes, belong with the Academic Senate. The assessment of general education learning outcomes belongs with program faculty.
- Communication - Speak and write to communicate information and ideas in professional, academic and personal settings.
- Critical Reading - Read critically to synthesize information to gain understanding.
- Critical Thinking - Make informed decisions through analyzing and evaluating information.
- Information Competency - Retrieve, evaluate and utilize information.
- Technological Competency - Employ computer technology to perform academic and professional tasks.
- Quantitative Reasoning - Apply mathematical concepts, methods, and problem-solving strategies to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate real-world problems in quantitative terms.
- Areas of Knowledge - Utilize methods, perspectives, and content of selected disciplines in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
- Self and Community - Engage in activities demonstrating understanding of one's relationship with one'scommunities and environment.
- Cultural Diversity - Articulate and demonstrate an awareness and sensitivity to cultural diversity.
- Ethics - Behave in an informed and principled manner.
General Education at Hawaiʻi Community College