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James Gleick HomePage
(A savy, contemporary writer...)

The Libertarian Party
(An Alternative to Democrat vs. Republican)

The Lucidity Institute
(Ever had a lucid dream?)

National Aeronautics & Space Administration
(a.k.a. NASA, but then you already knew that, right?)

National Geographic
(OnLine Magazine)

The Nature Conservancy
(Help save the world!)

Old Farmer's Almanac
(A veritable potpourri of info)

James Randi Educational Foundation
(All-time Debunker of psuedo-science, etc.)

Peter Russell: Spirit of Now
(Another fellow with his act together...)

Union of Concerned Scientists (USA)
(Help save the world!)

USA Today
(OnLine Newspaper)

U.S. National Debt Clock
(Current Federal Debt Total)

World of Escher
(Gallery of M.C. Escher images)

The XTalent Image Gallery
(From the microscopic to the macroscopic...)

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