§  AMATYC Summer Institute (2006):  Mathematics in Hawai‘i  § 
HawCC logo (link: HawCC website/homepage) Hawai‘i Community College (located in Hilo [view map]) will once more be the site of the fifth (biennial) "Mathematics in Hawai‘i" Summer Institute, co-sponsored by AMATYC and π-MATYC.  The institute will begin with an evening reception (Monday, July 24th) proceeded by an intensive schedule of interdisciplinary presentations, field trips and other activities involving post-secondary mathematics each day, running up through a final aloha lunch (Friday, July 28th). Hilo Hawaiian Hotel banner (link: Hilo Hawiian Hotel website/homepage)
      Lodging accommodations may be found at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel (be sure to ask the reservation agent for the AMATYC rooms/rates).  Free van shuttles to and from the institute's array of activities will be provided for participants each morning and afternoon/evening.
Personnel / Presenters:
Charles P. McKeague will serve as the institute's keynote speaker and daily facilitator.  Author of numerous college-level textbooks, Mr. McKeague is again returning to deliver his perspective each day on the focus of the field specialists presentations in order to enhance the emphasis on mathematical connections.  Experienced scientists from the fields of geology/volcanology (Darcy Bevens, Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes), astronomy (Dr. Bobby Bus, UH Institute for Astronomy), marine science/oceanography (George Curtis) and botany (Roberta Brashear, HawCC Natural Sciences) will address topics of local interest with mathematical applications to their individual specialty.
Activities / Excursions:
  • On Tuesday, July 25th, an afternoon field trip is scheduled to escort able-bodied participants out to the lava fields inside the Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park.  The ensuing hike is moderately strenuous and may be under elevated temperature conditions which contribute to dehydration, combined with frequently present noxious gases, only those hardy individuals willing to endure such extremes are encouraged to attempt this exotic trek.
  • On Wednesday, July 26th, a late afternoon/evening field trip is planned to take participants up on the slopes of Mauna Kea.  Dinner will be served at Hale Pohaku (elevation: 9000 ft), followed by a star party after the sun sets.  The air is thin and temperatures can dip precipitously to near freezing.  Thus a note of caution applies here, too.  Anyone with respiratory impairments should be prudently prepared and everyone should be sure to bring some heavy winter attire in order to brave these altitudinous elements.
  • On Thursday, July 27th, another afternoon field trip is planned to the Pacific Tsunami Museum (in downtown Hilo).  Details TBA.
  • On Friday, July 28th, a mid-morning botanical tour will give anyone interested a chance to take a guided walk through some native foliage. The landcaped flora, located on the Univ. of Hawai‘i @ Hilo campus, is the aesthetic result of years of stewardship by HawCC's Forest Team.
  • James Schumaker, Director

  • Need AIR TRAVEL to Hawai‘i?

     USE Preferred Affiliate 
     program code: HCCED

  • Event Flyer w/Registration Application
  • AMATYC Newsletter Article (Feb/Mar 2006)

  • Local Detail Map (Hilo Hawaiian Hotel to HawCC route/info)
  • HawCC Campus Maps
  • Daily Schedule of Institute Activities/Events
  • Contact List of Participants/Staff