Greek Alphabet
 Lowercase Uppercase Name Pronunciation

α Α alphaAL-fuh
β Β betaBAY-tuh
γ Γ gammaGAM-muh
δ Δ deltaDEL-tuh
ε Ε epsilonEHP-suh-lawn
ζ Ζ zetaZAY-tuh
η Η etaAY-tuh
θ Θ thetaTHAY-tuh
ι Ι iotaeye-O-tuh
κ Κ kappaKAP-puh
λ Λ lambdaLAMB-duh
μ Μ mumew
ν Ν nunew
ξ Ξ xiKUH-see
ο Ο omicronOHM-uh-krawn
π Π pipeye
ρ Ρ rhorO
σ Σ sigmaSIG-muh
τ Τ tautow
υ Υ upsilonUP-suh-lawn
φ Φ phifeye, fee
χ Χ chikeye, chee
ψ Ψ psiseye, see
ω Ω omegaO-may-guh

Red characters represent letters used frequently in this course.
Blue characters indicate letters used infrequently in this course.

(Remaining letters will most likely not be encountered in the course.)