Normal Distribution:  SAT Scores
Normal (a.k.a. Bell) Curve
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (or SAT) is used by many colleges and universities as an admission requirement.  Test results are interpreted such that student's scores are assumed to be normally distributed as depicted by the bell-curve in the figure above.  Use the information provided in the illustration to determine each of the following:
  1.  What are the mean and standard deviation? 
      µ = _______   and   σ = _______

  2.  What percentage of students taking the SAT would be expected   to score lower than 500?

  3.  What percentage of students taking the SAT would be expected   to score lower than 600?

  4.  What percentage of students taking the SAT would be expected   to score higher than 600?

  5.  If 100,000 students take the SAT, how many would be expected   to score higher than 600?