Unit IV:  Review for Exam 4

  1. Know the terms frequency vs. relative frequency, and be able to read or construct, based on a given set of data, a frequency distribution, a histogram (a.k.a. a bar chart), a frequency polygon (a.k.a. a line graph), and/or a circle graph (a.k.a. a pie chart).
  2. Be able to calculate grade point average (g.p.a.):
    1 credit hour of A = 4 grade points  g.p.a. =   total # grade points    
                 total # of credit hours
    1 credit hour of B = 3 grade points
    1 credit hour of C = 2 grade points
    1 credit hour of D = 1 grade points
    1 credit hour of F = 0 grade points

  3. Be able to calculate various sports statistics: 
       Batting Average  =  # of Hits ÷ # of At-Bats
       Slugging Average  =  # of Bases (attained from hits) ÷ # of At-Bats
       Earned Run Average  =  # of (earned) Runs ÷ # of Games
       Free Throws are worth 1-point each.
       Field Goals are worth either 2-points or 3-points.
       distance = speed × time,  speed = distance ÷ time,  time = distance ÷speed
  4. Be able to calculate the mean ( x or µ), median (MD), and/or mode (m) for a given set of data.  Analyze these measures of central tendency (averages) in order to assess what they indicate about a given set of data.
  5. Be able to calculate the range (r), variance 2), and/or standard deviation (σ) for a given set of data.  Analyze these measures of dispersion (variability) in order to assess what they indicate for a given set of data.
  6. Know the basic characteristics of a normal distribution, and be able to make inferences based on a given set of data (using Figure 1 in the section 3 Notes, p.4.3.1).
  7. Know how to apply the standard normal distribution (using the Standard Normal Distribution of z-score Interval Area Percentages) in order to analyze any normally distributed population data.  Solve application problems by calculating z-scores to find percentages of  data in an interval, and vice versa...