"School of Athens" painting by Raphael
"School of Athens" by Raphael (1483-1520)

 2.1)    Geometry in 2-Dimensions:  Perimeter & Area
      Geometry is our next venture and while it is probably a relatively familiar one to many, a little recounting of some fundamental concepts is probably in everyone's best interest.  Geometry is one of the most ancient topics in mathematics as well as one of the more easily identified manifestations of math in our everyday world.  Let me ask you to think of something that is rectangular in shape.  Something square?  How about something that's circular?  Or triangular?
      Most likely you were able to imagine something that fit the description of each geometric figure without difficulty or hesitation.  But did you immediately associate each of the entities you thought of as a significant representation of mathematical development?  Another instance of despite how intimately math lies at the heart of our civilization, that still so few of us ever really recognize its tremendous scope.
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