GEOMETRY In 2-D 2.1.2   
  1. Essential Figures —
    1. Rectangles: continued 
      1. Perimeter = 2l + 2w 
      2. Area  =  l × w 
    2. Trapezoids: 
      Trapezoid: four sides a, b, c & d; height h    Characteristic Notes   
      The top line (of length d)
      and the bottom line, a.k.a.
      the base, (of length b) are
      parallel lines; the altitude
      is of height h, while the two
      sides are of length a and c...
      1. Perimeter = a + b + c + d 
      2. Area  =  ½ (b + d ) h
      3. Special Cases... 
        d = 0  implies  ____________  
        b = dh  implies  ____________  
        b = d = h   implies  ____________ 
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