September 26, 2014 Supporting Documents

092614-091214minsDraft-Attachment 2

092614Educational Policy Committee Meeting Minutes 9 19 14 – Attachment 5c1

092614Fast-track Final to Acad Senate_10-29-13 Attachment 5d – 9-26-14 Attachment 5c2

0926147b FAST_TRACK_SUBMISSION_FORM_forSenateReview_1-22-2014 from 9-12-14 , 9-26-14 – Attachment 5c3

092614 Memo to Academic Senate Pilot FS – Attachment 5c4

092614DE Report_20140926 – Attachment 5f

092614GE Designated Proposal for AS 9-26-14 – Attachment 6a

September 12, 2014 Supporting Documents

091214Chancellor’s report – Attachment 1-1

091214Chancellor’s report 9-12-14 – Attachment 1a

091214Draft Minutes May 9 2014 – Attachment 2a

091214Senate Chair rpt May 9 2014 Attachment 2b

091214CRC rpt May 9 2014 – Attachment 2c

091214Ad hoc WIC rpt May 9 2014 – Attachment 2d

091214Ad hoc GEC rpt May 9 2014 – Attachment 2e

091214EPC 2013-14 Thank You Letter – Attachment 3b

091214DE Report_20140912 – Attachment 3c

091214Executive Committee Motion relative to procedural error issue of 5-9-14 – Attachment 4 rev

091214Academic Grievance Committee – Attachment 5a

091214Student Conduct Committee – Attachment 5b

091214New draft policies-Evaluation of Lecturers – Attachment 5c

091214Fast-track Final to Acad Senate_10-29-13 Attachment 5d

091214CurriculumReviewProcessPolicy_11-12-13_ExperimentalCoursesQuestion_12-3-13_draft2 – Attachment 5e

091214Proposed Policies – Attachment 5f