November 18, 2016 Supporting Documents

111816 10_28_16_Minutes_DRAFT – Att. 1

111816 EPC Chair Report 11_18_16 – Att. 2

111816 All Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs – Att. 3

111816 Update on ad hoc Committee on Campus Expansion – Att. 4

111816 ASTrans_KomohanaSiteResolution_1-28-11 – Att. 5

111816 UHPA Report to Faculty Senate 11.18.16 – Att. 6

111816 UHCCP 4.203 Institution Set Standards DRAFT – Att. 7

October 28, 2016 Supporting Documents

102816 09_23_16_Minutes_DRAFT – Att. 1

102816 Academic Senate President Report – Att. 2

102816 accfsc-minutes-2016-10-21 – Att. 3

102816 Senate CRC FALL 2016_10-28-16 – Att. 4

102816 EPC Chairs’ Report 10.28.16 – Att. 5

102816 UH_CES_QuestionsConcerns_15Oct2016 – Att. 6

102816 UH Course Evaluation-signed-1 – Att. 7

102816 FastTrackPolicyMinorChanges_Final – Att. 8

102816 UH West O`ahu Senate Resolution_Course Evaluations – Att. 9

102816 UH_Manoa_FS_Reso_Opposing_UHSYSTEM_Course_Eval_System_Final – Att. 10

102816 UHCCP #4.203 (front side) – Att. 11a 102816 UHCCP #4.203 (back side) – Att. 11b

September 23, 2016 Supporting Documents

092316 08_26_16_Minutes_DRAFT – Att. 1

092316 Summary of Changes_AP 12.304 – Att. 2

092316 AP 12.304, Procedures for Disclosing and Addressing Conflicts of Interest Related with Extramural Funds_proposed – Att. 3

092316 AP A5.504, Procedures for Disclosing and Addressing Conflicts of Interest and Commitment – Att. 4

092316 AP A8.956, Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI) for Public Health Services (PHS) Grants Cooperative Agreements and Contracts – Att. 5

092316 FPC proposal to discontinue faculty handbook rev19-16-2016 -Att. 6

092316 FPC update on implementation of course evaluation system 9-16-2016 – Att. 7

092316 EPC – Chairs’ Report_Sept2016 – Att. 8

092316 DE Report_20160923 – Att. 9

092316 Proposal for ad hoc committee on Academic Senate Charter – Att. 10

092316 Proposal for ad hoc committee on Campus Expansion – Att. 11

092316 Proposal for Foundations Board Research Group – Att. 12

092316 Senate CRC FALL 2016 – Att. 13