May 5, 2016 Supporting Documents

050516 GEC End of Year Report Spring 2016 – ATT 5e-1

050516 HAW 7.505 ATT 6b

050516 2015-2016 CRC Proposals Listing for AS – Special Senate 2016

050516 GEC Forms of Approved and Pending Courses (62 pages) – ATT 7b

050516 GE Designation HWST 104-1 – ATT 7b-1

050516 EC Nominees – CHAIR – Standing and Ad-Hoc committees – AY 16-17 – ATT 7c

050516 GEC End of Year Report Spring 2016 – ATT 5e

April 22, 2016 Supporting Documents

042216 JO CC report 2016-04-08 Att 3a

042216 TT CC report 2016-04-08_DH-CPE_TTangaro ATT 3b

042216 ASC report ATT 4

042216 The New Curriculum Management System – CRC report – ATT 5a

042216 EPC Report to Senate 4-22-16 – ATT 5c

042415 ad hoc General Education Senate Report April 2015 – ATT 5e 4-24-15

042216 adhocDEcommittee_EndOfYear2016 Att 5f

042216 Catalog submission for S designated courses ATT 5g

042216 FastTrack_4-13-16 ATT 6a-1

042216 Fast Track Form Revised 4-6-16 – ATT 6a-2

042216 Faculty_Handbook_withupdatesDRAFT-2016-04-12_ATT 6m

042216 ATT 7a

042216 UH Course Evaluation-signed – ATT 7c

042216 Kuali CM – ATT 7d-1

042216 Kuali 100 edit – ATT 7d-2

042216 haw5-251 – ATT 7d-3