Aloha HawaiiCC Faculty and Staff,
It has been a pleasure serving as your College Council Chair for the 2016-2017 year!!! It has been a great experience and am excited to see how the work we’ve done in the past year impacts the upcoming changes which will bring a stronger voice back to the council. Get involved and provide your input so that the council can evolve to become a more purposeful body for you to communicate your opinions about issues that impact our kauhale.
For those members who ended their representation, thank you for your time and commitment to the council. To the continuing and new members for the upcoming year, please welcome Deseree Salvador, your new College Council Chair for the 2017-2018 year. All College Council meetings are open, so if you curious about College Council or would like to become more involved, you are welcomed to attend.
To review our accomplishments this past year, please see my College Council End of Year Report: 16-17 year end report