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Prevention, Awareness, Understanding Violence Program

flag day event

About PAU

1 billion risingPAU Violence is a University of Hawaiʻi system-wide program supported by the Hawaiʻi State Department of Health, Maternal and Child Health Branch. The Women’s Center at UH Mānoa assists in coordinating, supporting and strengthening all system campus efforts with prevention education, events and trainings that raise awareness on issues of gender-based violence.

Each campus has a designated staff member that coordinates violence prevention events and trainings. For additional information about each campus, visit our Contact Us page.

Program Goals

When working with students and the campus community, the program endeavors to create an environment that is welcoming and safe, where people of all identities and experiences feel validated and supported.

We strive to ensure that we provide a wide range of resources and referrals that assist students in making informed decisions that are in line with personal well-being and academic success.

The program uses innovative practices and culturally appropriate approaches to engage the campus community on multiple levels to understand sex assault, domestic and dating violence and stalking.

Using experiences, education and knowledge, we challenge our campus and students to be role models in ending interpersonal violence.

What We Do

Awareness and Education
We believe awareness and education will create a culture of respect on our campus, ultimately preventing interpersonal violence. We can achieve this goal by engaging students and members of our campus community in critical conversations about what we can all do to prevent interpersonal violence and intervene when it happens. To learn more about how to get involved, please contact Title IX Coordinator Dr. Sara Vogel at Phone: 808-934-2765 and Location: Manono Hale Aloha 119